The use of our website must happen at all times conform the rights and duties that are clearly mentioned on the website, and the rights and duties that are stated in the Disclaimer, the Conditions of Sale and the Privacy Declaration. The total of all texts make up our General Terms and Conditions.
These General Terms and Conditions apply both to us, FØN, as to you, the User. As soon as you use our website you explicitly acknowledge and accept that our General Terms and Conditions apply and that you negate the application of your own General Terms and Conditions.
In exceptional cases we can deviate from the General Terms and Conditions, in as far as these deviations are recorded in writing and are accepted by all parties. These deviations only apply to modify or supplement the specific clauses to which they relate and have no effect on the application of other clauses from the General Terms and Conditions.
The website is an initiative of:
FØN Ofsshore Windfarm Services B.V. (Hereafter: “FØN”)
Strandweg 2,
1976 BS IJmuiden
The Netherlands
BE 0828.492.242
+31 (0) 255 820 020
Feel free to contact us if you have further questions or comments; we promise you a swift reply!
You can count on the fact that we offer a user-friendly website that is safe for any User. We take all reasonable measures that are required to guarantee the good functioning, safety and accessibility of our website. At the same time, we cannot give you absolute guarantees and our measures should be considered a best-effort-obligation.
Every use of the website happens at your own risk. This means that we cannot carry liability for damage that follows from malfunctions, interruptions, harmful elements or defects from the website, irrespective of the existence of an external cause or force majeure.
We have the right at all times to limit and/or totally or partially interrupt the access to our website, without previous warning. In principle we only do this if circumstances warrant this, but it is no absolute condition.
The content of the website is largely determined by us and we take the utmost care in determining this content. That means that we take the necessary measures to keep our website as complete, accurate and actual as possible, also when content is supplied by third parties. The content on our website can always be modified, supplemented or deleted.
Even so, we cannot provide guarantees on the quality of the information on our website. It is possible that information is not complete, sufficiently accurate and/or useful. Therefore, we are not liable for any (direct and indirect) damage that the User suffers as a result of the information on our website.
In case certain content on our website constitutes a violation of current law and/or a violation of the rights of 3rd parties, and/or simply is inappropriate, we ask you to report this to us as soon as possible so that we can take the appropriate measures. That means we could proceed to partially or completely erase and/or modify the content.
Our website contains content that can be downloaded. Every download from our website happens always at your own risk. We are not liable for this, and damage as a result of a loss of data or damage to the computer system falls solely and completely under the responsibility of the User.
Specifically, for prices and other information about products on the website there are reservations of obvious programming and typing errors. Based on such errors, the User cannot claim an agreement with DISA INTERNATIONAL.
The User carries a certain responsibility when using our website. The user must abstain from performing actions that can have a damaging impact on the good functioning and/or safety of the website. For instance, the website cannot be used to circumvent our business model and/or to collect on a large-scale information of other Users.
It is therefore not allowed to use our website for spreading content that can damage other Users of the website, such as spreading harmful programs, such as computer viruses, malware, worms, trojans and cancelbots. The spreading of unwanted and/or commercial messages via the website, such as junk mail, spamming and chain letters, also falls under this heading.
We reserve the right to perform any necessary actions that can provide recovery for us and our Users, both on judicial as well as non-judicial level. The User is solely, personally and integrally responsible if his/her actions and behaviour effectively cause damage to the website and the other Users. In such a case, that User must safeguard DISA INTERNATIONAL from every damage claim that follows.
The content of our website can contain a link, hyperlink or framed link to third-party websites or other forms of electronic portals. A link does not automatically mean that there exists a connection between us and the linked website, nor that we (implicitly) approve with the content of these websites.
We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for the safe and correct functioning of the link and the eventual destination. As soon as one clicks on the link, one leaves our website and one can no longer hold us responsible for any damage.
It is possible that third-party websites do not offer the same guarantees as we do. Therefore, we suggest to closely study the General Conditions and Terms and the Privacy Statement of these websites.
Creativity deserves protection, and therefore also our website and its content. The protection is provided via intellectual property rights and is entitled to all intellectual property right holding parties, being FØN and third parties. Under content falls the very broad category of photos, video, audio, text, ideas, notes, drawings, articles, et cetera. All this content is protected by copyrights, software rights, database rights, design and model rights and other applicable (intellectual) property rights. The technical character of our website itself is protected by copyright, software right and database right. Every trade name that we use on our websites is also protected by the relevant trade name right or brand right.
Every User receives a limited right to access, use and display our websites and their content. This assigned right is non-exclusive, non-transferable and can only be used within a personal, non-commercial framework. We ask our Users to not use and/or change anything that is protected under these rights, without permission of the rights holder. FØN cares a lot about its intellectual property rights and has implemented every possible measure to guarantee this protection. Every breach of the existing intellectual property rights will be prosecuted.
The information provided by you is necessary for the processing and completion of orders and the creation of invoices and warranty contracts. For each order there is a minimum set of data required. Other information can be requested related to the personalisation of the order. If the minimum required data is not present, the order will be inevitably cancelled. The personal data of the Buyer will only be processed in accordance to our Privacy Statement which can be consulted via our website.
We reserve the right to – at all times – change, expand, limit or stop our website and the related services. This can happen without previous notification of the User and does not provide cause for any form of compensation.
These General Terms and Conditions (Including the Sales terms) are exclusively controlled by – and interpreted in accordance with – Dutch Law.
If the functioning or validity of one or more statements of these General Terms and Conditions is impaired, this does not have any impact on the validity of the other statements of this agreement. In such case we have the right to modify the provision in question into a valid statement of similar purpose / meaning.